Dec 25, 2008

What is Sexual Morality?

What is Sexual Morality?

It is important to make moral and ethical decisions about sex and sexuality. Let us not get these two terms confused in the meaning for which they are being used. For the purpose of this article, I am using sex as the actual act of intercourse where there is penetration or oral-to-genital contact. Sexuality is being used as the inherent association one has to the opposite-, the same sex, or both sexes.

Honestly speaking, moral sexuality is made up of components that make the act of sex honest, pleasurable for both parties, non-exploitive, and consensual to all the forms of expression that may transpire in sexual encounter. In addition, one needs to know that it takes communication and trust in order to have a positive experience.

In times past, the issue of morality was not a sexual issue, instead it was an issue based upon honesty and open communication from one person to another. In other words, those individuals who are governmental officials who are not truthful and dishonest about their insider trading are MORALLY CORRUPT, however, this does not stop them from being voted into office, nor does it have the “religious right” to attempt to enact laws that ban these people from privileges that should be afforded to all people!

This is not the place or the time to discuss the issue of morality, so I will digress and continue with the issue at hand: SEXUAL MORALITY!

As some would propose, sexual morality is totally based upon with whom one sleeps and gives no room for the sexual practices of any other sexuality than heterosexuality (some would even go on to say that some sexual practices are immoral). This is incorrect because sexuality is not based upon who one sleeps with, however, it is based upon the principles stated above.

A moral sexuality can be shared amongst any two people regardless to their sexual practices or whether there be two men or two women involved.

The issue in America (and now abroad because of the proliferation of European standards of morality based upon skewed and distorted views of the Bible) concerning morality is not based in ethics, instead, it is based upon a willful desire to control the actions and thoughts of individuals to match that of their own.

Ethically speaking, all sexuality based upon the principles stated above should be not only tolerated but accepted within overall society, why? President George W. Bush stated “In our free society, people have the right to choose how they live their lives,” it is truly shameful that along with that statement that people take the time to make sure that people who decide to live their lives according to their choosing end up having laws created against them. This is bad ethics and has absolutely no regard for ALL people.

Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not a Christian nation and was not founded upon Christian principles, as such; we have a right to accept and uphold all people based upon the content of their character and not based upon a warped view of morality presented by right wing religionists.

Sexuality is inherent in our nature, we are sexual creatures and when we learn how to properly explore our sexuality based upon the above principles, then our sexuality becomes MORAL: not because I’m a woman and I have sex with a man to whom I just so happen to be married!

Tanya A. Alkhaliq -Author, Speaker, Business Success Coach, Minister

Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Change Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.


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