The truth is that being visible increases your opportunity for create business, networking, and opportunities for oneself! Conversely, if you are not visible, you may as well not exist! Your product may be great, your service impeccable, and your business acumen on point but if your prospective customer and the consumers can't find you online...YOUR GOING TO FAIL!
You must have an online presence and it is just as equally important to not only develop that online presence but it is equally important to do so regularly scheduled! Yes I know that youa re busy and don't have time for regular updates and writing blogs everyday but truth be told, you need to put yourself on SOME TYPE OF SCHEDULE so that the people will KNOW YOUR NAME!
There are over 1.5 BILLION people who use the internet on a REGULAR and DAILY basis to find solutions to ALL of their BILLIONS of problems and issues! There is no reason that you can't be a willing recipient from helping them to solve their problems within the field of your expertise!
This is what must be done, you have to begin by creating a visible presence online which will result in more opportunities which yields more leads, prospects, sales, speaking endeavors, and maybe some media inquiries about your service, product, or service solution!
First and foremost...BLOG LIKE YOU'VE LOST YOUR MIND!
This is strategic manipulation at it's best! You have to start at the starting point to strategically get your message to the world! If you don't have a blog...GET ONE set up TODAY! They are a free resource on almost ANY and ALL websites and social media sites to which you already belong!
You want to use your blog as a “home base” so to speak! It establishes your presence and credibility online because people get to act with you and become intimate and deep with your personality and you with your prospects and customers! It saves money AND it allows people access to your products directly! FREE ADVERTISEMENT!
If you have never had the opportunity to express who you are and your expertise, a blog helps you to demonstrate that expertise, expose your personality so that those who want to work with you and buy from you and collaborate with you the chance to get to know you, and this establishes trust because you are sharing for free VALUABLE USEFUL CONTENT that gives more meaning and success within their business, professional, and private lives!
A blog is honestly like crack for search engines! Yea bad analogy but understand what I'm saying! When you post frequently, consistently, and constantly, the search engines index your page and your content is thus available in searches quicker! Search engines crave new and fresh information, the more you post the more information it can get from you! Your blog becomes its source of “highness” and it continues to feed and frenzy off of your fresh insights! YOU BECOME VISIBLE!
Target your message in your blog! Publish something directly about whatever topic you are promoting! Your book, your services, your products, whatever! Create an editorial calendar and post about that topic using your keywords for which you want to be found!
Ok...seriously! Facebook is not about finding all your friends and chatting about highschool and college days! Ok...maybe so, but that is secondary to it's really purpose! With all the people on facebook, you should have a presence of yourself and what you're doing ON FACEBOOK! Create a facebook page for your business, service, product!
Looking at visibility, this is an essential and necessary step because your content that is posted on facebook is AUTOMATICALLY indexed by search engines! At the very least you need to put your blog on facebook using the “notes” application as this will pull your blog content to your page wall whenever you post and because it only gives a short snippet, it forces those who would like to read back to your blog! As a matter of fact, most of you reading this blog right now are here because saw it on facebook or it was indexed from facebook into a search engine!
To even boost this...create a fan page! This further helps you build relationship and build desire from your fans to click through to your content from what is being presented on your page directly about your services, information, and products!
Finally, get over the “am I bothering people” syndrome! Invite people to your page and request that they become your fan! Request that they click on that “like” button! Use that as a resource to ask and answer questions, send update and let people know what promotions are coming up, what releases you have planned, and make sure you use relevant keywords and phrases about your business! Make this an active part of what you do because every post and every action that ANY member takes on your page is then posted on the pages of EVERY member in your group and guess what...A LINK BACK TO YOUR PAGE which will lead them once again back to your blog!
Yea people use it for the purpose of telling the mundane tasks of everyday life, however twitter can be used to serve announcements from your blog and even from facebook! It is your opportunity to simply go and respond and share great resources with people who are looking up things for your keyword search! Look up your keywords on twitter and anything related to that, post something with a back link to your facebook or to your blog!
Once again, these links got posted on search engines automatically and lead as a back entrance to your own endeavors!
And don't be afraid to use the plugins that come with blogs as well that post automatically!
With these tactics, people should start to “see” you online and as they begin to see you and you continuously do these things, people will start saying “wow, I see him/her everywhere, I may want to see what they are talking about!” With that, you have garnered the attention of one other person, keep doing what you're doing and you could end up with millions following you!
Dr. Tanya A. Alkhaliq - Author | Speaker | Minister | Life Redesign Expert
Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Change Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.
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Jun 22, 2010
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