Dec 16, 2011


Hello great and remarkable people!

MOTIVATIONAL MOMENT - Have you ever thought about how much you dislike the world or how much you hate your own life? How often do you do it? The truth is this, if you have thought it more than ONCE, you would much rather sit around and do nothing about your circumstances or the world around you! If we want to change something, we must first act: In order to act we must sometimes take chances! If we would truly understand the first action is usually the most difficult, it is the risk and chance of being honest with ourselves.

Why do we constantly hide the authentic inner SELF? Why do we constantly wait to step into the fullness of SELF and become the greatness and magnificence that we are destined to be? When will we make the decision that we have taken all that we will take? Are we not tired of being broke; lonely; penny-less; living from check to check and hoping that we can make ends wave? What about you? The authentic inner you that is screaming for release!

The new year is swiftly approaching! In two weeks we will have entered 2012: a time of new possibilities and opportunities to fulfill our greatness. We can use these last two weeks to re-write and over-write the novels that have already been written! We must take the time to open up and stop hiding our authentic inner beingness! The first place is to be conscious in all that we do and understand that we must be willing to challenge the certainty of our future that we base upon our present state of consciousness, it does not appropriately measure the fullness of our possibility of life! It actually disrupts the truth of our greatness! We cannot measure our whole life based upon our present circumstance of lack! We must instead begin to measure our life based upon the greatness found within! We must not give voice to complaints in any shape, form, or fashion!

That is where all the problems begin actually! We cannot see past our present place of existence! We can't see past this present situation! I know how you feel! Like you, I have been there and honestly just came out of this place! I have even been in the position that I didn't want to live to see another moment and did not have the fight to do anything else in my life: I had simply gotten to a point of being tired. I tried everything there was to try, however, I did not try to realize and actualize the authentic inner me. The realization that we have created an alternate and imaginary captivity causes us to feel inadequate and we use this "self-defining" moment as truth, we do not see that this is only a partial reality! It is not the full truth! This is however where we usually feel that our best is far beyond our reach and that we'll never quite make it to that place yet we take a conscious leap into the unknown based upon an unconscious reality that WE ARE GREAT!

Although we made a conscious decision to leap, it was based upon an unconscious determining factor! Our goal is to make a conscious decision based upon a conscious determining factor. To get there, we must stop being the victim and we cannot blame anyone else for the things that are going on in our lives! We must become something different so that we may do something different!


When we have learned to be conscious, we will likewise transform our lives and will be awakened to each and every possibility and live in a way that our goal is always to make our lives better and the greatest that it can possibly be! We realize that our present view that seeks to define our reality is nothing more than a construct of our own level of consciousness! If that consciousness is limited then our life view will be limited but if it is unlimited we gain the possibility of the impossible and we actualize the reality of casting off the self-limitation of this world and we robe ourselves with the limitless possibilities of our inner being!

When we can admit that life is not always going to be without controversy, however, in the imperfections can be found joy unspeakable and full of glory and can be perfected due to the level of your consciousness that has been raised from limited to limitless. Due to knowing and understanding, we can and we must learn to abandon the world of limitation and lack by letting go of what we are assured of and swan dive into the unlimited unknown and allow your consciousness to discover the unlimited reality in lieu of constantly allowing ourselves to be limited to a preconceived notion of who we are and what we can do.

There is honestly nothing that can stop us or hold us back other than an unconscious clinging to a mistaken reality of who we have been and trying to take that individual into who we are becoming. We cannot allow the comfort of who we have been to stagnant our opportunity for who we are becoming! Stop hiding from yourself and stand up in the power and fullness of the reality of your inner authentic reality and find places in your life that you can take these conscious risks so that you may be liberated to know that the only thing holding you captive is a misconstrued and limited view of yourself!

Will you discover yourself and jump into the unknown? If your answer is yes, I would like for you to schedule your 2012 Inner Healing Session with me, where I will be here to help you see what has held you back in 2011 so that you can peacefully go into 2012 and make it the year of inner healing that manifests as outward liberation!

Your Friend...The "Inner Healing" Lifestyle Coach
Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD

Dr. T
The Harvest Group
Phoenix Outreach Services
Temple El Shammah Online Assembly
Mt. Sinai Holy Assembly of the True and Living G-d
Assemblies of the True and Living G-d


Contact Dr. T  for Coaching or Counseling - 404.579.6027

Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Redesign Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.

Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD
Author | Speaker | Minister | Life Redesign Expert

Dec 12, 2011


Motivational Moment - Imagining joy and happiness and not taking any steps to bring it into fullness is akin to taking a razor to your body in anticipation of the relief you'll feel when the razor cut heals. Stop playing with yourself and begin to manifest inherent joy from within!


In the world of business and relationships, this is one of the most questioned questions that people seem to like to conjure up to find leewsay into your personal life and matters. In ministry when you introduce yourself as someone with a title, the next question asked is "so who are you with?" When you meet a new man/woman who may be interested in you, the first question that they ask is, "so who are you with?" When you go to a job interview, they question "who are you with?"

Well let me respond to all of these questions! Does it matter who I'm with if I'm not together? Does it matter who I'm with if everything about me screams I'm not with anyone? It is so amazing to see people who are with someone make themselves seem as if they are with no one and those who are with no one do their very best to seem as if they are with someone!

It is both amazing and frustrating (to both see and experience) the "yin/yang" factor of life in order to belong to something or someone. We pretend like we are "with" someone to not be asked "the question" and we pretend like we are not with someone in order to be asked "the question."

Our understanding of "the question" comes from a principle of completion! We constantly look out around us because we see that every thing is around us and so by seeking out the things surrounding us, we hope that one day we will find something from without that will compliment and complete us.

What we refuse to see is that while we are searching for things, people, and places that make us feel like we are complete and whole we are actually separating ourselves from the actual thing that will heal us and manifest wholeness. We fight against our "self" in order to find ourselves in order to become whole with our "self." We by nature have become divisive and will never be able to overcome the joylessness of life that is borne of a divisive dual nature that totally contradicts itself in all forms, doings, and thought processes.

When did we develop the need for things, people, and places in order to become whole? When did our "healing" become contingent with manifested matter? We must gain understanding that the pain in which we experience and all the suffering due to negativity towards our pain manifests itself as such due to our willful participation in illusions that has been carried and handed down to us from our parents and all of our forefathers who didn't understand that concentrating on these negative experiences would lend a hand of pain down to the 20th and 30th generation.

Please look at the verse that helps to perpetuate this thought process in the song:
By & By
We are tossed and driven on the restless sea of time;somber skies and howling tempests oft succeed a bright sunshine; in that land of perfect day, when the mists are rolled away,we will understand it better by and by.

We are often destitute of the things that life demands, want of food and want of shelter, thirsty hills and barren lands; we are trusting in the Lord, and according to God's word, we will understand it better by and by.

Far be it for me to say that this doesn't lend hope to our forefathers and as I just read the words, it brings hope to me as well, however, what are we really doing in this song? This song is recalling and reiterating our negative experiences as if they will persist forever. There is no hope for ridding our lives of the experiences, there is only hope of understanding why we have the experiences after a season and a time of consistent "negative" experience.

Why do we have to live like that? Who says that we have to reiterate the negative in order to understand the why? The truth is WE DO NOT! Over and over again, we do go through this same process searching for EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE but the right place and hope we understand it better by and by!

Why is it that we feel it is fine to educate our children (hence their children and their children and their children) by saying the way to healing is through hurt. The way to ease the unhappiness is to accept stress as a way of life and to struggle to control conditions that surround you that are uncontrollable while becoming the slave to that which you are hoping to control in order to be free! Running towards freedom will never change the fact that you are running from unhappiness and discomfort!

We run toward the freedom thereby forgetting the distraction and suffer the consequence of inward division. We end up serving two masters...

1) That which we do not desire
2) That which is a moments desire due to resisting that which we do not

Becoming inwardly divisive we keep ourselves from knowing the fullness that we have within ourselves. The experience of being whole and complete RIGHT NOW. The illusion that the world is what our thoughts and feelings would have us believe that it is, is just that: an illusion! Seeking out things, people, and places because our thoughts and feelings have aligned with what people have said is the illusion of happiness and success.

In order to free oneself from this generation-based self-imposed illusion we have to learn to face our issues and problems head on and release our "self" from "ourselves" and all its imaginary conclusions concerning our lives. "Ourselves" is the unseen source of conflict, disillusionment, and negativity in our life due to its "plan" for finding lasting complete peace and wholeness from those things we can see and touch.

The path to self-liberation and wholeness is to allow the "self" opportunity for enlightenment and search within for the ever-present contentment and wholeness! YOU ARE COMPLETE, you just have to look within yourself to see it! When we search within we will find a world that is brand new where wholeness and happiness are the exact same thing and that world is within...NOT WITHOUT!

So the next time that someone asks "the question," you can proudly say...MY "SELF"!

Your Friend...
Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD

Dr. T
The Harvest Group
Phoenix Outreach Services
Temple El Shammah Online Assembly
Mt. Sinai Holy Assembly of the True and Living G-d
Assemblies of the True and Living G-d


Contact Dr. T  for Coaching or Counseling - 404.579.6027

Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Redesign Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.

Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD
Author | Speaker | Minister | Life Redesign Expert

Jul 7, 2011


Are you carrying around dead weight? No I'm not talking about the spare tire around your mid-section (although we need to deal with changing our habits in order to be proactive concerning our health), I'm talking about past relationships, resentments, hurts, anger, and the list goes on and on!

You know the signs of dead weight, everyone does but we all try to live in some fanciful world to make it seem as if we aren't carrying it around and so we do our best to simply not pay attention to it in hopes that it will just "GO AWAY!"

Well, I have some great news...YOUR DEAD WEIGHT CAN BE GONE! If you buy my patented "DEAD WEIGHT BE GONE" spray! All you have to do is spray it in your house three (3) times a day and after one week, all of that DEAD WEIGHT will dissipate and will never come back to haunt you again!

WHAT IN THE WORLD? I know, that was just not right was it, however, this is what we do in order get rid of everything else!

Allopathic medicine gets rid of the symptoms, at the expense of creating other symptoms which may be worse than the original symptoms! Lawyers don't usually get down to the problem at hand, they usually deal with the symptoms and that's the reason they are in courts. It's the exact same with us! Our models have been to TREAT THE SYMPTOMS BUT NEVER GET TO THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE ISSUE!

1) Are you in the same place you were in a year or two or even five? Let's be honest now! Let's not force ourselves into lies! Ok, so we have to go there! Just because you're no longer homeless doesn't mean you have come out of the situation that you were in a year ago!

Ok so you're no longer in the shelter, GOOD FOR YOU! I'm proud of you, keep up the good work but it's not time to stop! Why? Well the fact that you can't afford to buy a decent meal or go to the store and get food to make a decent meal and being forced to live off of $.99 McDoubles from McDonald's and $.99 Spicy Chicken Nuggets from Wendy's tells me that you are still in the same situation.

Having to worry about whether or not your bills are going to get paid this month and not having enough money to cover ALL of your bills which means you could possibly become a person who recurs homelessness...YOU ARE IN THE SAME POSITION AS THE HOMELESS MAN/WOMAN WITH NO FOOD TO EAT OR ANYWHERE TO LIVE! IT'S NOT YOUR SITUATION THAT HAS CHANGED, IT IS YOUR ENVIRONMENT!

Let's not confuse environments with situations! Environments can change but if the situation (your mindset) is still poverty driven and unfocused, any environment can quickly become the prison from which you thought you escaped!

2) Displeasure and Stagnation, are they reigning supreme in your life? Do you sometimes feel like you just can't make it out of whatever you are in?


A friend of mine asked me a VERY important question the other day...he said "What does KFC sale?" Of course I said "chicken." He asked me that same question over and over again with emphasis on different words and of course I responded but by the last time my answer wan't "chicken" it was "CHICKEN!!!!!" Now of course I see myself as a pretty smart person, however, stupidity had taken over right at that moment! He asked me...WHAT DO YOU SALE? I was STUMPED! I was like WOW, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I SALE! What is the point? I'm glad you asked!

The point that he was trying to make is that you may serve some things on the side due to all the talents and gifts with which you've been endowed, however, YOU SALE "CHICKEN!" I've come to the reality that I have the "CHICKEN," I just have to work on my spices in order to get the "CHICKEN" just right! What does that mean? THE BRAND OF ME HAS TO COMPLEMENT WHAT I'M SELLING! If you don't complement what you're trying to sale, YOU AREN'T GOING TO MAKE ANY SALES!

Our lack of mobility and enthusiasm is NOT the cause, that is a symptom of a deeper underlying issue! It is the issue of dead weight! Think about all the dead weight that you carry around with you and that you actually pick up along the way!

Family, friends, thoughts, relationships, debt are ALL DEAD WEIGHT! Don't get me wrong there are those who we cherish who add to the greatness of who we are and the pursuit of who we can be and push us as we push them, that's not dead weight! However, the family and friends that constantly upset us and tell us that we won't ever amount to anything, those thoughts of inferiority because of your environment, or even the blatant disrespect that you have developed for yourself over years of failure...ALL DEAD WEIGHT! What is in your life that is constantly holding you down and holding you back? What and who is attached to you who won't value your time, skills, expertise, friendship and are unappreciative in other areas of your life trying to rush you when you need to take your time while at the same time not even attempting to make an effort to help you be a successful...WHAT DO YOU SALE AGAIN?

It's time...RIGHT NOW! YES NOW! It's time, CUT THE DEAD WEIGHT! No reason to keep it, YOU CAN LIVE AND SURVIVE WITHOUT THEM! Yes some situations in your life may need to change, yes you may have to get up a little early in the morning to catch the bus but hey, you'll have achieved a new level of independence and social responsibility to UPLIFT YOURSELF!

Make a fresh start TODAY! Don't wait until tomorrow, tomorrow is a figment of your imagination and yesterday was a spring for today and no longer exists! When you realize that all you have is this very moment of existence, live in that moment as if it is the last moment of your life! LIVE THAT MOMENT TO THE HIGHEST! You may want to be a help but how can you help someone if you don't have anything to help them with? You don't even have yourself, someone else has you and you're playing the puppet!

The truth is...YOU ARE HOLDING YOURSELF BACK! People can only do that which you allow them to do, you have control over the decisions you make and you decide what/who impacts you and what/who doesn't!

You have to make a choice and the as far as the dead weight...CUT THE ROPE! The message is you're either going to begin climbing or you're going to fall! If you find someone else to become dead weight, that's fine but no longer will I be your target market!

We have to learn to walk and when we walk, we must only allow others around us who are WALKING! You have to pay close attention though! Some people are walking but they are walking backwards, there are those on the side of the road trying to get up to walk. Encourage them but don't help them up, tell them to come on and follow in your footsteps but THEY MUST GET UP AND BEGIN THE WALK WITHOUT ASSISTANCE! Be careful of who you allow to walk with you and who is walking around you! Make sure that you are both walking into SUCCESS!!!

When it's all said and done, GET UP AND GO FOR A WALK! Clear your mind, be at peace with nature, and say to yourself, "I NEED A CHANGE FROM DEAD WEIGHT!" It's not about your environment, it is about your situation (mindset)! You can put a person with the situation (mindset) of a billionaire into the environment of a homeless shelter and within a year, he'll own his own shelter! You can put a person with a situation (mindset) of a poverty pimp into the environment of a fortune 500 company and within 6 months, the company will be bankrupt!


Your Friend...
Rabbinit Tanya A. Alkhaliq - "Dr. T"
CEO - Tanya Alkhaliq Enterprises & The Harvest Group
The Harvest Group
Phoenix Outreach Services
Temple El Shammah
Assemblies of the True and Living G-d

Contact Dr. T  for Coaching or Counseling - 443.529.3969

Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Redesign Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.

Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD
Author | Speaker | Minister | Life Redesign Expert

May 15, 2011


This life that we currently live in doesn't make it easy to have a positive flow of energy, neither does it stimulate us to move to change our energy flow for the benefit of changing our lives! So, today's I NEED A CHANGE is concerning energy levels, the flow of energy in our bodies and how we can work with our bodies to rid our bodies of toxicity and negative energy that continuously kills us day by day.

The purpose of stimulating the energy in our bodies by breathing PROPERLY is beneficial for circulating blood and fluid through our system which in turn cleans out and purifies our blood, removes toxins from our system, and affords us a connection with the divine.

We must also understand that it's not only about breathing properly but it has to do with how and when and where we move as well! Leading a sedentary life - as the United States has proven that this is the type of life that is espoused through all the sedentary "in home" games that are manufactured and thrown in our faces daily - is our most disturbing factor of changing our lives and creating an optimal healthy life system within our bodies!

When we say, I NEED A CHANGE IN MY BODY, what are we saying? We are saying that we will do what we need to do in order to turn our disease ridden, unhealthy, non-productive, sick bodies into whole well bodies that are able to fight off any disease known or unknown because our bodies are so equipped to handle all of it! It is thus equipped because the energy flow through our bodies have been enhanced and developed to handle the negative energy that would seek to "destroy" us.

So first and foremost, MAKE A DECISION that you want a healthy body! Get up and move, go for a walk, do something, get up and move, clean the house, mow the yard! Whatever you do JUST MOVE! Stop being SEDENTARY in your life and get your heart pumping, your blood flowing, your lymph glands to action and watch your energy level sky rocket!

Add breathing properly and see where life takes you! Stimulating your flow of inner energy will boost your own inner feelings of well-being.


1. Find a comfortable seated position, feet placed firmly into the ground, spine straight, hands clasped and relaxed in your lap, eyes closed.

2. Begin with slow rhythmic breathing inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose. Your goal is to make the exhale breath twice as long as the inhaling breath. As you concentrate on this breathing, feel your hands and feet start to warm up and your fingers tingle as your energy flow is stimulated.

3. To strengthen this exercise, visualize this energy flow as a red glow passing down your arms and legs with each exhale. As the red energy glow passes through your hands, allow it to radiate up through the center of your body. Red is a warm, generating color. Always follow the breath through your body, visualize it's path. Lead it to where you want it to go. 5 -10 minutes of this will allow
your body to be adequately energized!

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) and Variation

1. Stand erect, feet together, eyes closed. Listen to your body as it breathes. Allow all the tension to relax in the muscles. Let go.

2. Step feet apart, shoulder width. Slowly raise the arms up on both sides with an inhale to shoulder level. Exhale as you feel the blood rush through the arms, palms up.

3. Inhale and raise arms up all the way to the top, bring palms together, as you exhale. Hold this posture for 5 to 10 seconds Breathing through the posture.

4. On your next exhale, lower your arms to a folded position over your head, grasping your elbows with opposite hands. Relax and breath in this posture, holding for 5-10 seconds.

5. Slowly inhale, open up and slowly lower the arms back to your sides.

6. Repeat this exercise four more times. You will create a powerful healing inner energy supply and balanced physical tone.

Your Friend...
Rabbinit Tanya A. Alkhaliq - "Dr. T"
CEO - Tanya Alkhaliq Enterprises & The Harvest Group
The Harvest Group
Phoenix Outreach Services
Temple El Shammah
Assemblies of the True and Living G-d

Contact Dr. T  for Coaching or Counseling - 443.529.3969

Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Redesign Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.

Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD
Author | Speaker | Minister | Life Redesign Expert

May 13, 2011

I NEED A CHANGE - What You Manifest Matters!

As our goal is and always will be change we must deal with what precisely change is and what causes change to manifest in our lives. Change manifests itself in our lives because we have gotten to a point of no return!

Are you like the millions of people in the world who are feeling like FEAR is stalking you! Every way you turn and everything you do fails and now we’re stuck with the evidence of our failure: FEAR!

Maybe you’re confident in your abilities and you know that whatever you put your hand to do will work out, however, when you count up the cost you realize that by being successful you have to deal with the consequences of success which usually come in the form of responsibility! Your FEAR manifests in this fact: you don’t feel as if you can uphold the responsibilities of your success.

So what is the antithetical process of manifesting fear? MANIFEST PEACE!

Anything and everything that we go through and that we can possibly think of as being negative is actually an opportunity to experience the peace that should surpass all understanding! Instead of accepting this as a truth, we allow all of these “things” that help us to manifest FEAR to run its course in our lives and have its way with our emotions and the spiritual climate of who we are (or who we are attempting to become). It is amazing that each one of these things would show us an individual lesson in life and we choose to ignore the message due to our own noise filled voice shouting and echoing its sentiments.

Have you ever said something to the effect…“I remember when I thought about that, I should’ve listened…”

Do you see how that works! YOU SHOULD’VE LISTENED (instead of yelling)! You should’ve stopped and allowed PEACE to reign, instead, you allowed FEAR to manifest! As we constantly and consistently do this, we must ask the question…HOW IS IT WORKING OUT FOR OUR LIVES AND DOES IT FOSTER AND ENCOURAGE POSITIVE CHANGE?

Do you not understand that peace is not a given, peace is a gift! It is a gift of proper position! When we position ourselves properly we harness and possess to the power of peace which forfeits pressure and enables prosperity. We must become quiet enough in order to listen so that the gift can lend itself to our life.

Due to the boundless nature of peace (much like love) we must learn and be willing to lose ourselves completely in its all consuming presence so that we can realize and actualize its existence! Conversely, peace is not lost but is given away freely! If you do not feel peace it is because you have in error gave it away by once again growing back into a cyclical pattern of negativity and conflicted emotions.


If you want peace, you must manifest peace and you must forego all the disturbing experiences of life and draw the importance of the experience from it and gain the peace filled recognition of its purpose! Don’t dive headfirst into the abyss of doubt and fear, instead, resolve the conflict by seeing the learning experience of it and manifest what matters by finding your way to the place of serenity!

Watch your thoughts, forgive your thoughts, relinquish the anxiety, be aware of your surroundings (metaphysically), and stop dragging yourself into the clutter of your noisy mind! Silence is golden and as you be silent before your thoughts, your thoughts will have to conform to your silence because your silence is your place of manifestation of peace! When you manifest peace inwardly…the outward expression of the inward manifestation MUST conform!

Your Friend...
Rabbinit Tanya A. Alkhaliq - "Dr. T"
CEO - Tanya Alkhaliq Enterprises & The Harvest Group
The Harvest Group
Phoenix Outreach Services
Temple El Shammah
Assemblies of the True and Living G-d

Contact Dr. T  for Coaching or Counseling - 443.529.3969

Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Redesign Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.

Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD
Author | Speaker | Minister | Life Redesign Expert

Jan 11, 2011

Preparing for Success in 2011 (Part 1)

First and foremost, I would like to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to anyone and everyone! I pray that you are all ready to begin this year with a bang! I know for me, this time of year offers so many renewed and new opportunities in life and within business!


Are you ready and prepared to kick off the year and to become successful in business, finances, spirituality, friendships, relationships, emotional stability...YOU ADD WHAT YOU'RE READY TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN!

If you are ready...I want to help you! If you are not...I REALLY WANT TO ASSIST YOU in fulfilling your dreams and visions for this year!

Over the next couple of days I will be releasing a series of questions and clarifying the potential of each question so that you will have a renewed outlook! At the end of the 7 days of questioning, if you would like to receive custom recommendations based upon your answers, you can send them to me up to January 31, 2011 at 11:59pm and I'll personally reply with custom recommendations in order to help you grow in this coming year!

What are your top 3 business goals for 2011?

It is important to have goals but I would like for you to come to the goals of what you would like to see in a different manner! I would like for you to begin to invite yourself to the outcome and not focus on what the overall goal is! Instead, concentrate on what you want to see and within that invite yourself to participate in the activities to bring those things into manifestation!

I will reply to everyone's email at the culmination of the seven questions and of course I cannot guarantee that you will receive a response the same day, HOWEVER, as long as you have sent the seven questions to me by January 31, I will respond to the questions!

For those of you who are looking to work hard for your goals and make your dreams come to pass, I am looking forward to working with you as we develop your life and business leadership models. I do hope we get a chance to work together very closely!

Your Friend...
Tanya - "Dr. T"
CEO - Tanya Alkhaliq Enterprises & The Harvest Group
The Harvest Group
Phoenix Outreach Services
Temple El Shammah
Assemblies of the True and Living G-d

Contact Dr. T  for Coaching or Counseling - 443.529.3969

Tanya Alkhaliq is an intersex black woman who is a Life Redesign Expert with an emphasis in intersex issues and counseling while specializing in self-identity development, relationship issues, gender and sexual understandings, spiritual reformations, career choices, young-adult developmental issues, and issues pertaining to fear.

Tanya A. Alkhaliq, ThD
Author | Speaker | Minister | Life Redesign Expert